Clonk Controls

Revision as of 12:43, 17 September 2013 by Maikel (talk | contribs)
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OpenClonk features all new controls and a new UI. Both have been and will be changed in the development process. This page serves to show the current controls and interaction methods as well as the finished and open discussions in this area.


In terms of movement the controls compared to older versions of Clonk have not changed much. The movement like walking left/right, jumping, scaling, hangling and swimming are still controlled by four keys. However we changed keyboard layout and these keys now are WASD. A new feature compared to the older versions is that clonks can change their direction while jumping as well, though not if tumbling.

Key Action
A walk/hangle/swim left
D walk/hangle/swim right
W scale/swim up, jump
S scale/swim down

There also are a few small tricks the clonk can perform, a roll after jumping if either A/D is held while landing after a high jump. Also the clonk can do a wall jump if the player presses A/D while scaling upwards.


A player can have multiple clonks, but can only control one clonk at a time. Therefore there is the need to switch between crew members and also to show the available crew to the player. The crew is shown for each player in the HUD at the top left of the screen. It gives info about each clonks health and breath, the latter only being shown when underwater. Changes to a clonk's health like damage and healing are also displayed.

A crew member can be selected by clicking on the respective clonk in the HUD. Also the player can rotate between clonks using R and T or select a specific clonk using Ctrl + # Key.

Key Action
R cycle forward between crew
T cycle backward between crew
Ctrl + # select corresponding crew member


On the left side of the screen, you see your clonks inventory. It has five slots, of which one can be selected as active. You can see the active slot by the hands on the side of the slot.

You can drag'n'drop to switch items around in the inventory. Dropping onto the landscape drops the item.

TODO: Explain item controls


TODO: Explain content menus


The action bar is a row of buttons at the bottom screen. They appear and disappear dynamically depending on the situation. They display objects you can interact with at the moment.

Clicking on a button will cause the clonk to interact with that object. TODO: Describe the buttons you can use


TODO: Explain production menus