C4DT Installation Guide
First you need to install Eclipse itself. This is relatively straightforward. Goto the Eclipse Download Page and download the Eclipse for Java Developers package. Eclipse does not require running an installer. Just unpack the folder somewhere and run the Eclipse program inside it. Unless you don't have Java installed Eclipse should boot although that might take a while.
Installing C4DT
Installing C4DT (Clonk Development Tools) is the next step to tailor that generic Eclipse installation you now have for the purpose of editing C4Scripts and other OpenClonk files with it. It is a plugin that provides a number of improvements you might know from other IDEs. Among those are
- Content Assistance (similar to IntelliSense from Visual Studio)
- Error recognition (to not have to boot up the engine for getting a list of syntax errors)
- Navigation (clicking on identifiers, getting to their declaration locations)
- Debugging scripts (suspending execution of scripts, executing them in single steps)