Base Melee: Advanced Strategies

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This article covers advanced strategies for base melees. First read the basic strategies covered in the general base melee article. For specific strategies per base melee scenario read the specific scenario article.

Base Construction

Obtaining Gold

Gold is needed to sustain warfare, with sufficient clunkers teams have access to more weapons and resources at the base and can sustain respawns for their crew members. There are three useful ways to obtain clunkers in base melees: mining near the base, a mining expedition and obtaining medal rewards. These methods are discussed below in detail.

Mining near the base

Mining Expedition

Medal Rewards

A very effective way to earn clunkers in base melees is via medal rewards. A possible advantage over achieving medals over mining is that it serves two purposes: on the one hand you earn clunkers on the other hand you are probably harming the enemy. A good example is setting the enemies base on fire, this will burden the enemy with burnt vehicles and buildings and will earn you a medal and some clunkers. So, one should never let such opportunities pass by. Also combining multiple medals and combining medals with kills is a very fruitful way to make some clunkers. If you, for example, have a clunk with only a few hitpoints carrying a rocket and you know your enemy also has reduced hitpoints, you can try to kill both yourself and him with a rocket explosion. Okay, you will die, but also will your enemy, however, you will get the rewards for the rocketeer and kamikaze medals, sponsoring roughly your clonk and the rocket.