Server Setup

Revision as of 14:48, 20 July 2020 by Luchs (talk | contribs) (Notes on adding new applications)
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Admin notes on the server.


Each application (e.g., mwforum, mediawiki, ...) runs under its own user and is managed by a systemd user instance.

Adding a new application

Create a new user:
# adduser $APP

Enable systemd user units without logging in:
# loginctl enable-linger $APP

Create unit files:
# sudo -iu $APP
$ mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
$ vim ~/.config/systemd/user/$APP.service
$ systemctl --user enable --now $APP.service

Allow nginx access to files in /home/$APP by adding nginx to the app's group:
# usermod -aG $APP nginx
Note: SELinux only allows nginx access to files in /home/$APP/www

Listen on Unix socket for nginx:
# echo "d /run/$APP 0750 $APP $APP" > /etc/tmpfiles.d/$APP.conf
# semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_var_run_t "/var/run/$APP(/.*)?"
# systemd-tmpfiles --create
Now let the application create its socket in /run/$APP/