Talk:Settlement Concept

To write a wiki article for a concept that is more or less definite is a good idea. However, I think your notion of developing it in the wiki by going through several revisions will be problematic if the basis for the first concept is not something everyone can agree on from the start. So, the basis of any good concept should be something that is sufficiently abstract and focus on the basic goals (of a settlement game mode) and why it is fun. As the first sentence of your concept currently starts with "It should not be possible to enter buildings" I have my doubts. Though I don't oppose this idea as in "there is no real need to have settlement buildings that must be entered for game mechanics reasons", this concept should naturally derive from a broader and a general(ly accepted) concept or goal set in the concept that you don't even have to mention that. And of course, if the clonk can operate everything "from the outside", there is indeed no reason for him to go inside. But reading that, it first sounds like a limitation. So, start at the beginning.[1]

Apart from buildings, you also mention bases. But what are bases? Bases are a specific concept in C4-CR. There is no need to compare an OC concept always how it was in CR. What is important is that the concept itself is standing on its own legs, so rather than mentioning that structures will have no fundaments, you should basically just assess what the buildings are and what you should be able to do with them. The rest, if e.g. they are enterable or if they have a fundament, if they are rotated etc. derives from these requirements. Also, don't forget that you need to persuade the community to accept this concept, or actually you want that the community is all for it (Feuer und Flamme). So, don't forget to mention whats really good about this concept, what is fun, what is so-really-simple and comfortable, in what way it could be extended (to be something even cooler) etc. That's one big goal of a good concept - to fill the people with enthusiasm about it. Don't underestimate this. A concept can be as good as it will, it doesn't matter if nobody is implementing it.

Anyway, I'll see the progress you do on the concept and can try to give you further tips on that if you wish.

Regarding the content, I won't comment on that now. This should be discussed in conjunction with the other/s (devs) in the forum.

[1] how would you like concepts that starts out with "you are not able to dig or chop trees anymore" "you need a shovel, without it you cant dig" "digging is not controlled by the direction keys anymore" "you can only play with the mouse now"? Sounds like a lot of limitations to me. Can THAT still be fun? --Newton 11:06, 28 January 2011 (UTC)