Texture Archives

Revision as of 13:00, 24 August 2011 by Newton (talk | contribs) (freedstextures is flickr-search without proper copyright info)

Free / no Copyright / CC-BY

Here are some links to archives which offer textures "without any copyright", compatible CC licenses or public domain. Attention: If you want to extend this list, note that "free" or the lack of any copyright message doesn't mean anything. To be public domain or "without any copyright", it must be explicitly noted.

Mostly free with own license

The most and the biggest free texture archives offer the textures free for any purpose, but it is not allowed to redistribute them as a texture pack. So, in all cases, we need to print the license and copyright message with every redistribution. As this licenses for textures from these archives are incompatible with the CC-by license, we don't favour textures from these sources. However, we can still include them as long as we mention that these textures may not be freely redistributed by default. Before you contribute any textures of these archives, carefully read their terms and conditions as they all differ from one another: